every day i love you;

Hello and welcome to my small fanpage for ViVi, a member of the kpop group LOONA and former model under the name of Viian Wong! Please bear with me, this site is a big work in progress.

If you are new to the group or have only heard of them would like to learn more about them, please click here for a short guide! I also have a page to introduce the other members here!

Do bear in mind I do not speak any Chinese or Korean, do not attend events or anything similar. I am simply a fan and relying on other's subtitles. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy my website!

If for whatever reason you'd want to link back here, you can use this button:

Necessary note: I claim no ownership of any of the images used. Most images on here, music and LOONA themselves © BlockBerry Creative. Any images not belonging to BlockBerry Creative are in ownership of the respective photographers, who are credited where used. This website and any images used are for informational purposes only.